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Social Media Marketing Measurements

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Traditional marketing programs are not working well and social media marketing have become critically important. Unfortunately, many marketing managers and business leaders don’t know what social media programs are effective, ways to measure them, and how they can manage them. The good news is that there are some relatively simple things that can be done to identify and measure the performance of social media marketing campaigns.

Marketing managers are getting frustrated and even fear that they may loose their jobs as a result of dropping response rates to traditional advertising and marketing campaigns. Some of these managers have started to initiate social media marketing campaigns such as blogs, social videos, and wikis. Unfortunately, executives and bosses may see a lot of work and activity but they may not be able to relate how these activities link to sales results. The excuse that social media marketing programs takes time can only last for a short time before good progress reports are demanded. There are easy ways to show how social media programs are leading to sales that executive’s and bosses can understand.


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Sponsored by: Althos Inc.

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Author: Lawrence Harte

Number of Pages: 27

Created: 2010

Categories: Social Media Marketing


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